Captivated by stories from a young age, Nicolette spent endless hours telling tales to her patient parents until finding a better outlet for her creativity. Inevitably, Nicolette ended up working in Australia's publishing industry ... until she didn't. She then worked in the UK publishing industry ... until she didn't. Continuing to spin stories via her blog and extra curricular writing activities, Nicolette is hoping to come out of the COVID-19 sh*t storm with only a rough case of dry hands.
I took my first overseas trip when I was in year eleven. It was to Noum é a, New Caledonia and it almost didn’t happen. The trip’s purpose was to improve the French language skills of those of us insistent on studying French during our last two years of school, believing the subject a necessity for our futures when we would most certainly be in Paris living our best French lives being all Parisian and speaking fluent French and just being all chic in our Frenchness and you get the picture. The first step on this road to being so Frenchy so chic, was a week’s trip to this South Pacific island wherein we would live with the locals, have 3-hour French lessons each day and immerse ourselves in the otherworldness that comes with visiting a place far removed from that in which you live. But whether it was the 3-hour lessons or the 3-hour flight, not enough of my classmates put their hands up to make this trip a reality. Cue teenage woe-is-me angst, the shedding of many tears, thr...